iMessage must be activated on your iPhone to send and receive iMessages. This will link your phone number to the email address connected with your Apple ID or iCloud account. You can now send and receive blue text bubbles when talking with other iPhone, iPad, and Mac users.
When you activate iMessage, iMessages are sent over a Wi-Fi connection or cellular data if one is not available. If iMessage is not enabled, every communication will be delivered to your iPhone as SMS or MMS text messages if they are already enabled, which might be useful for individuals with monthly data constraints.
If you recently purchased and activated a new iPhone with your Apple ID, iMessage will be enabled and ready to use. However, if iMessage isn't enabled, here's how to activate it.
Our iPhone is one of the most common devices to access iMessage. That is why we are going to start activating iMessage. See the steps below.
First, unlock your iPhone, then tap the home screen to open Settings. Then, scroll through Settings until Messages appears, then tap it.
At the top of the screen, find iMessage. Please remember that iMessage is activated if the green slider is on the right. If not, enable iMessage by tapping the slider.
After activation, you can now send or receive iMessage on your iPhone.
Those are the simple steps we need to make to utilize the full feature of iMessage on iPhone. That is the only way to do it, so you better follow it.
Messages is one of the pre-installed apps on every Mac. You can send messages as fast as possible on any other device by logging into this app with your Apple ID. This article explains configuring iMessages on a MacBook, iMac, or Mac mini.
Click the green and white icon of the Messages app on your Desktop to open it. You can search for it or look for it in the Applications folder if it's not already there.
Log in using the same Apple ID to send messages on your iPhone. Depending on your account's security settings, you may also need to input a two-factor authentication code.
If you have the phone number or email address of the person you wish to contact, you can send text messages immediately after logging in.
If you wish to see your previous conversations and sync your text messages between devices, we need to click Messages in the top menu bar, then Preferences.
Toggle on Enable iMessage in iCloud under the iMessage tab. If you don't see this option, it indicates you've already enabled it someplace else, so you're good to go.
You'll find all your phone numbers and email addresses under the You can be reached for messages heading. Check the boxes next to the people you want to receive SMS from on this Mac.
Finally, use the drop-down menu to select which numbers/addresses you want your Mac's text messages to be delivered from.
Note: After following those steps, please restart the Messages app, and your previous text chats should be synced with the Mac. You must also enter your Apple ID in the System Preferences app if you want your contacts to sync. Once you've done so, ensure message syncing is enabled on your iPhone or iPad. (How to use iMessages on PC?)
Here are the common reasons why your iMessage keeps turning off whenever it is on a Mac or iPhone.
Your iOS, like any other operating system, is vulnerable to security flaws and bugs. Although Apple constantly improves its software and operating system, short-term problems and delays that can damage your apps are not unheard of.
Even though iPhones are touted for having a large amount of storage. However, memory problems can still occur, causing other apps to become unstable.
The issue could be caused by the internet you're using. If you have been utilizing cellular data rather than Wi-Fi, your iMessage app may not recognize it. Your principal internet connection and home Wi-Fi carry Apple's sign-up information.
If your iMessage is not enabled, you will not be able to receive iMessages. iMessage is an Apple program that communicates via WiFi. You can't send or receive messages if you turn it off. With a texting subscription, you can send and receive regular SMS messages through your wireless cellular provider. You cannot receive iMessages if it is not enabled. iMessage is an Apple program that communicates via WiFi. You can't send or receive messages if you turn it off. You can send and receive normal SMS messages if you have a texting package with your wireless cellular operator.
How do you turn off iMessage notifications on Mac?
Navigate to the Apple menu of your screen. Click the Notifications & Focus icon after selecting System Preferences. Select Messages from the list of apps on the left. Disable Allow Notifications.
If someone turns their phone off, will iMessage be delivered?
Others cannot send you an iMessage if your iMessage is turned off. Their messages will be delivered to you as SMS or TEXT messages via the ordinary phone network. If your phone has enabled Read Receipt, they will know you read the TEXT / SMS message.
Why does a name turn blue in iMessage?
Because Android and other carriers use SMS and MMS text communication standards, these green texts are more versatile regarding who they may reach. Blue communications, often called iMessage, are supported within the Apple ecosystem. Apple supports all of these messages.
Does iMessage turn green when blocked?
Another way to tell whether someone has blocked you on iMessage is to look at the color of the bubble. If you notice green bubbles, your text messages are being transmitted via SMS, and they may have blocked you on iMessage.
Can I send images using iMessage?
Yes. iMessage offers different features that we can enjoy. One of these is the ability to send images and videos. This will be possible if the contact where you sent the images also uses iOS and activated iMessage.
Using the methods above, we can see that enabling iMessage with our devices, such as iOS and MacBook, is very easy as long as we are on the right track. Follow every detail above to make it achievable within the time frame. You may share this article with the people who might need it, too.
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