1. How to Blur a Photo Already Taken?
2. How to Blur a Picture Before Taking
3. How to Blur Only Background Images in HTML
4. FAQs

How to Blur a Part or Background of an Image: Using Photo Editing Tools and HTML

Skylar ReidSkylar ReidUpdated on Mar 07, 2023Photo Editor

For most people, blur photos are one of the most useful photo editing features. Knowing how to blur part of a picture is a very effective idea, whether hiding some information in a photo or highlighting a part of the subject. Some bloggers use a depth-of-field effect to create stunning photos by blurring a portion of an image. Learning how to blur a portion of a photograph is extremely beneficial. So, what is the best method for obtaining a blurred image? Please read on as we introduce you to the simplest methods for blurring an image. These methods can be applied to different situations, like blurring images already taken and blurring them before taking the photo. See what we got below.

How to Blur a Picture
1. How to Blur a Photo Already Taken? 2. How to Blur a Picture Before Taking 3. How to Blur Only Background Images in HTML 4. FAQs about How to Blur a Photo

1. How to Blur a Photo Already Taken?

Method 1: Using Phone's Edit Features to Blur Photo

After you snap your portrait-style photo with an iPhone XS, iPhone XR, or iPhone 11 model, you may change the background blur settings. Here are the detailed directions.


Use one of the iPhones mentioned above to take a picture in Portrait mode. Tap Edit after opening the Photos app.


The depth control slider will also appear when you open your photo on the edit screen.


Slider movement is required to obtain the appropriate blur. Click Done.

iPhone Edit Photo Feature

Method 2: Blurring the Background Using Photo Editing App

No matter which iPhone model you own, you can use our final method for blurring the background of your iPhone photo. These apps employ technologies to blur the backdrop after you capture the picture so that you may use them on pictures from decades or just a few moments ago. Other programs can produce a blur effect, but Snapseed is cost-free and has several photo-editing features.


Open Snapseed on your iPhone after downloading it. To select a photo for editing, tap the screen to bring up your photo library. Scroll through the choices after selecting Tools. Next, select Lens Blur.


A circle framing the region to keep in focus will be displayed alongside your photo on the screen. Pour your fingers together to shorten or lengthen the circle surrounding your topic. Hit the Edit Slider at the bottom of the screen to make additional adjustments, such as modifying the blur's intensity, the transition's size, and the vignette's intensity.


Tap the check mark in the lower right corner when satisfied with the results. Select Export before sharing or saving the photo.

Snapseed does not have a desktop version, and you can get the Snapseed for PC and Mac here.

Snapseed Blur Feature

2. How to Blur a Picture Before Taking

Method 1: How to Blur the Background of a Picture on an iPhone

You should use Portrait mode if you have one of the iPhones mentioned above. The effects are beautiful without any editing, and it is the simplest way to blur a photo on an iPhone. Here's how to use your iPhone's Portrait mode to make the background blurry.


Launch the iPhone Camera app. Select Portrait from the menu by swiping up from the shutter button.


A second menu with various portrait lighting options will display above your shutter. Select from a variety of lighting options, including Contour light, Natural light, and Studio light. Then, as shown on the screen, point your phone's camera at the topic you want to capture. Your iPhone might instruct you to position yourself farther or closer to your subject.


The lighting banner will become yellow when Portrait mode decides that your arrangement is perfect. Activate the camera's shutter.

iOS Portrait Feature

Method 2: Placing the Subject Near the Lens

Even though your iPhone doesn't have Portrait mode, you may still get a respectably blurred background by moving closer to your subject. As you go closer to your subject, the smaller the focus area gets, the trickier it is for your iPhone to employ a shallow depth of field. This strategy also works on earlier iPhone models, even though Portrait mode is easier to use and more natural. Your main subject must be in focus and the background must be hazy for the ideal photograph.

Place Near Lens

Method 3: How to Blur a Background Photo in DLSR Camera

With DSLR lenses, you can adjust settings in manual and semi-automatic modes to get the depth of field you want. DSLR and higher-end point-and-shoot cameras' macro and close-up settings automatically use a short depth of focus. Point-and-shoot cameras maintain focus over a wide variety of distances. With a camera that doesn't have a macro setting or the ability to change the aperture and shutter speeds, getting a shallow depth of field is more challenging, but it is possible! For that, let us learn how to make it easily using these steps.


Choose the Aperture Priority Setting (A or AV). Pick the shortest f-value you can while utilizing a DSLR camera and lens. When zoomed, this will be roughly F5.6 on most kit lenses.

DSLR Apature F.5

Maintain a focal point that is closer to you than the background.


At this moment, we need to focus on your target and then capture it by pressing the Capture button of your DSLR.

DSLR Blur Pic

3. How to Blur Only Background Images in HTML

Use the CSS filter property, which enables effects such as blur or color shifting on an element, to create a blurring effect. The input image is given a Gaussian blur via the filter's blur function. Since the radius determines the value of the standard deviation to the Gaussian function or how many pixels on the screening mix together, a larger number will result in more blur. The value 0 is used if there is no argument. Even though the parameter is set as a CSS length, it does not accept% values.

Use the blur function to add a blur effect to the background picture. To make the stack order of the element and the element's width and height, use the z-index property. To position, the element concerning the closest positioned ancestor sets the position property to an absolute value. (filter: blur(px);

Blur Photo on CSS HTML

4. FAQs about How to Blur a Photo

Why would you want a Fuzzy background?

Photos with gentle, blurred backgrounds are ideal for highlighting the topic. A blurred background can help images look more polished because it doesn't compete with the viewer's focus. A blurred background is useful for portrait photography, macro photography (of flowers, insects, and food), low-light photography, and photographs where you want to draw attention to just one particular aspect.

How Does Background Blur Change?

The following factors have a significant impact on how blurry background clutter is: Aperture. An f-stop or f-value determines it. More light can reach the camera sensor with larger apertures with smaller f-values. To avoid overexposing the picture using a big aperture, the shutter speed ought to be faster. The blur of the background is softer the lower the f-value. The second one is moving closer to your subject, focusing intensely on it, and making sure the background is far away from your subject, which will help you blur the background. Also, Small sensors have a short focal length and a broad field of view. Longer focal lengths are possible with larger sensor cameras, which results in superior background blur.

Can I blur photos on an Android phone?

Yes. After taking a picture on an Android device, you may use an app like YouCam Perfect to blur any section of the image. You can use a paintbrush or a shape in the free program YouCam Perfect to blur any part of the image. In addition, SnapSeed and PicsArt are also great mobile applications to blur your photo. However, besides this application, Android phones also offer a Portrait mode similar to iOS. This feature will be a great medium to have a blurry photo.


In conclusion, blurring photos is possible if you have this guide. We can see above that the process is possible using different ways. We can see that we can do it on our iPhone, Android, DSLR, and in HTML. Therefore, we hope this article helps you make your photo blur. Please share this article with your friends who love taking photos like you. You can also visit our website for more tips and tricks.

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