TopSevenReviews takes the protection of your personal data very seriously and strictly conform to data protection laws. Personal data is being collected on this website, to help you make informed decisions about how you share information when you visit or use the site. By no means will the collected data be sold or disclosed for any other reason given to third parties.

The following statement gives you an overview of how we ensure this protection and what kind of data is being collected for what purpose.

What data do we collect and how do we use it?

Information you provide to us

When you participate in, access, purchase, or sign up to any of our services, activities or online content, such as newsletters, surveys, or competitions, we receive personal information about you which we use to provide these services. This may consist of data such as your name, email address, postal address, and telephone number. You can select how we use your information for marketing purposes and update your marketing preferences at any time.

Ordering a product or service from us

If you order a product or service from us, you will need to provide certain personal details, including payment information, so the order can be fulfilled. In some cases, we will use or direct you to a third party that may collect this information.

Content you share with us

When you choose to share comments, photos, videos, and other content with, us we may receive personal information about you.

Information collected online

Cookies are small text files that are stored on your computer or in your browser. Cookies are loaded on your browser when you first visit a site, use a product or service. Cookies do not include any personal information. We may use cookies to identify the browser you are using so that our website displays properly. You can also disable cookie installation via your browser setting, but you may not use some of the features of this website, product, or service.


Some of our websites contain links to products and services offered by third-party websites. If you click on those links, your personal information including names, address, credit card information, etc., may be sent to us and those third-parties to show that you have clicked on the link whether you purchase any product or services. You can help us by also taking precautions to protect your personal data when you are on the Internet by changing passwords frequently, use a secure web browser, etc.

Links to other websites

Our websites may include links to third-party websites, plug-ins, and applications. Your clicks of those links or enabled connections may allow third parties to share data about you. We have no control of those third-party websites and we encourage you to read the privacy notice when you visit those third-party websites.

Your rights

You have the following rights to request:

Access to the personal data we hold about you.

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